The mayor of RESIȚA wants to pass over PSD as the Nazis did: „Just as Rommel’s tanks passed through North Africa” ​​/ Nicolae Ciucă, NO reaction

Publicat: 30/05/2024, 12:00
Actualizat: 30/05/2024, 15:51

Mayor of Reșita’s shocking declaration at an election meeting. In a meeting at Băile Herculane, the PNL management team also participated in, Ioan Popa, the Liberal mayor said that he would cross over the PSD opponents „as Rommel’s tanks crossed North Africa”. The audience gave it a round of applause. No reaction from Nicolae Ciucă, PNL President, who was also in the stands.


Mayor Ioan Popa explains his own declarations

The mayor of Reșita explains in a post on Facebook that his declarations refer „only to a brilliant military strategist” and compares Rommel’s honor with the Liberals’ honor in the fight against the PSD.

Popa writes that „Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel was one of Germany’s most distinguished and outstanding field marshals, of the Wehrmacht and of the Second World War also being one of the greatest German military commanders.”

My yesterday’s declarations refer only to a brilliant military strategist, recognized for his honor in battle just as we do in the battle that the PSD is fighting in a despicable way. During my political career I have condemned all xenophobic statements and I clearly distance myself from such doctrinal orientations, Popa says.

Original news

A nice and eulogistic speech but there is a lot of villainy going on beyond. But we will pass over them as Rommel’s tanks passed over North Africa. This is how we will pass over them, declared Ioan Popa, on Tuesday, sitting between Virgil Popescu and Marcel Vela.

Two things are shocking about this image: Liberals’ applause in the audience at this call and the fact that the apology declarations for Nazism were made in the presence of the President of the Senate, General Nicolae Ciucă, and of two former Ministers of Internal Affairs, Lucian Bode and Marcel Vela.

Mayor’s Ioan Popa idol, Erwin Rommel was a field marshal of the Wehrmacht of the Third Reich. There is countless evidence of war crimes committed by the German Nazi army in North Africa while being led by Erwin Rommel.

Admirer of Rommel and of the paradise in Zanzibar

However, it seems that the mayor of Reșita is not moved by the atrocities committed by the Nazis on the African continent, but only by the „exotic paradise in the middle of the Indian Ocean” where he bought himself a plot of land for a „small two-apartment house”.

In 2023, when he provided this information, mayor Ioan Popa said that „he would go to the end of the world because by the end of his office he will no longer want to see anyone”.

Today he is running for a third office as mayor from the PNL.

Given his declarations, it is necessary to recall Act 107/2006 on the prohibition of organizations and symbols of a fascist, racist or xenophobic character and the promotion of the cult of the persons guilty of crimes against peace and humanity.

According to article 5, „Promoting the cult of persons guilty of committing a crime against peace and humanity or promoting the fascist, racist or xenophobic ideology through propaganda carried out by any means in public places is punishable by imprisonment from 3 months to 3 years and the prohibition of certain rights.”

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